tele phone number formatter


owl 2015-04-23 03.27.25 owl 2015-04-23 03.27.49

owl 2015-04-23 03.40.23

owl 2015-04-23 03.38.08

owl 2015-04-23 03.37.56


  'pattern': '{{999}}-{{999}}-{{999}}-{{9999}}',
  'persistent': true


  • pattern (required): String representing the pattern of your formatted input. User input areas begin with {{ and end with }}. For example, a phone number may be represented: ({{999}}) {{999}}-{{999}}. You can specify numbers, letters, or numbers and letters.
    • 9: [0-9]
    • a: [A-Za-z]
    • *: [A-Za-z0-9]
  • persistent: [False] Boolean representing if the formatted characters are always visible (persistent), or if they appear as you type.
  • patterns (optional, replaces pattern): Array representing a priority ordered set of patterns that may apply dynamically based on the current input value. Each value in the array is an object, whose key is a regular expression string and value is a pattern (see above). The regular expression is tested against the unformatted input value. You may use the special key '*' to catch all input values.
    { '^\d{5}$': 'zip: {{99999}}' },
    { '^.{6,8}$: 'postal code: {{********}}' },
    { '*': 'unknown: {{**********}}' }

addInptType(char, regexp)

Add regular expressions for different input types.

$.fn.formatter.addInptType('L', /[A-Z]/);


Fairly self explanatory here :) reset the pattern on an existing Formatter instance.
